Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yearly Pictures

Every year, I dread the picture updates. I have since Kiddie Kandids went out of business so spectacularly. So, welcome my suprise and excitement when I realized they reopened in our area. However, I will not be paying for them to send off my pictures and will instead pay for the disk and copyrights - just in case. Now, just how to get my two tempermental and high maintenance preschoolers to cooperate.

So on Black Friday, we headed to the picture store instead of shopping in another way-what a glorious idea. Not a single person waiting in line, no other children in the store, no crazyness-just 3 employees waiting to make my children happy. So, here are some of the finished product. Enjoy as much as I did!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I can't believe how big they are getting! They are darling!!