Saturday, July 25, 2009

Christian Letter #4

Here is the last letter we have received from Chris. This is an incredibly personal and touching letter, so if you choose to skip the reading, that is alright. This letter is different that all the previous ones and if you don't know him very well, it might not make much sense. I will update on phone calls and graduation on the next post.

Hey Mo (that means me, I guess),
So I say this and I remembered that I had forgotten to get you a birthday present and Mother's day gift. I know it is not a $3500 expensive or anything flashy (Jared got me a nice piece of jewelry for those gifting days :) ), but I got it for you because I know you are proud of me. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so so much and I am so lucky for you to be my mother. I realize I was probably one of your biggest tribulations (his word, not mine) in life. I am so grateful that you decided to keep me as your son. I know now that with out your constant guidance in my life, I would totally be lost in my life. I think I've finally come to realize what you've done for me in my life and how hard it is for you to let me go. I'm your first for everything and your last in some. I see a lot of me in you. I definitely got your mind set but I've decided that's more of a blessing than anything and I realize it's hard to let a child go when you have cared for them for x amount of years. I realize at points it would have been so much easier to have let me grow up on my own and for you not to care as much, but you have a great spirit that knows how to show mercy and that strives to make others better through selfless service and you have been a great comforter in my life and I one day hope to be given the chance to be able to pay back any amount any way. I know that I am your life work and I'm trying really hard to live up to the standard you and Dad have set, but I want you to know that I want to be with my family forever.
I love you Mom, never forget that!
PVT Nielson

Now, how is a mother supposed to read something like that and not cry? I ask you!

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