Saturday, July 25, 2009

Christian Update #2

Sorry for the delay in updates. I appreciate all of the patience with readers. We just returned from New York and our yearly participation in the Hill Cumorah Pageant. I will update that information on a following posting. While there, we received a few phone calls and a couple of letters from Chris. Here is letter number one. Just so you are aware, I try to correct spelling errors and some grammatical errors, but if I fixed them all, it just wouldn't have that "Chris" flavor. Also, the letters can get rather personal (in a good way), but it is nice to see how he is growing and changing. If it is anything truly embarrassing to him, I will edit!

Hey Family,
Hey! Whats up? Not a whole lot here. I just got done with church and can I just say-dang-I miss it. It's been so good to me. Well, anyways, everything is going great here. We just went through the gas chamber the other day . . . it pretty much sucked. It stung all over and I had snot all over my face . . . and we are getting ready to go camping. Well also, we are maybe as a church group we might be able to go to the temple one Sunday. I'm trying really hard to go but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to go because my ending training is that day, but who knows. Maybe they can do another day :) Is there anything new with you guys? Is mom crazy yet LOL. Mom I love you. I love you all.
P.S. Okay and by the way, I just met someone here that looked familiar so I asked them if I knew them and guess what? It was a guy from pageant. His last name is Doyle. I didn't get his first name buy you Jessica, knows who he is. He wasn't there last year but he was there the year before and I think his parents were on staff. Small world huh? Oh, he just told me his name is Craig Doyle and he was in my cast team!

Now, I don't know if you all know, but Chris was struggling with his religion issues right before he left. He decided his testimony wasn't strong enough to go on a mission, and thus the military. What he didn't know was that he was going to be the only LDS member of his battalion and now he is a missionary with a weapon! He is having a good time. He told me that the first day, someone came up to him and asked if because he was from Utah if he was a Mormon. He said he had to take a second to choose-did he admit it and spend the time in the military defending his faith, or did he let things go and have it be easier. He said "Mom, I just couldn't not admit it. I knew God knew what I was doing and I couldn't let him be disappointed in me." Isn't he just so sweet?

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