Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Nielson Summer Adventure!

Well, now I know y'all thought we had fallen off the face of the earth. Not really but it was a whirlwind there for awhile. A few things have changed in the Nielson household. First-in June, Jenn defended her thesis-thank the good stars above! I am finally, officially, and undeniably finished with school (at least for now!) However, USU did offer me a full time job this fall, so life will not be that different except I will be only grading homework, not doing homework. A small distinction, but an important one!
Jared is busy selling homes like crazy. A good thing in this economy, but it is tough to be back to a schedule like newlyweds where he is not home very often. But-we will persevere!!
The family went to pageant once again. We were in NY for the month of July. It was rather cold this year (only in the mid 70's and I can live with that!) We got home and a week later, I flew to South Carolina to see Chris graduate from Basic Training. What a wonderful experience! I came home to be able to work on curriculum for a week or so and helped Jess move to Ephraim for school. The Meg went to band camp for a week, started school, kids went to day care, adjusted to a new routine, had friends stay for the weekend, decided my home was getting too quiet and then had my sister-in-law move in with her 4 children.
Yeah for the Nielson's and the way we love to party!! Any one else want to come stay?

P.S. Chris doesn't write anymore. I have his address for anyone who wants to write to him or send packages-he can get somethings now.


bobandhaley said...

Wow... Busy! Congrats on the job at USU! What are you teaching?

Jenn and Jared said...

Advanced sewing, textiles, and the housing and methods course. How are the babies?